Módulo 2: OpenFOAM® Avançado

7 and 8 of December 2011

Advanced Usage – I

In this module we examine how OpenFOAM handles time and mesh. Class Time acts as the master object registry and maintains the database of objects which are inherited from the class regIOobject. We will examine the structure of this class and demonstrate usage of commonly used member functions from its interface.

Mesh in OpenFOAM is organized in a hierarchy of classes, primitiveMesh, polyMesh and fvMesh. We will examine this hierarchy and understand what new functionality is added with the addition of each new layer. Sample code snippets will be given showing how mesh related geometrical and topological information can be extracted from this class.

Advanced Usage – II

Representation of a tensor of nth order over a discrete physical domain, i.e. mesh results in a field. OpenFOAM represents a field as the class template GeometicField. This class is composed of internalField and boundaryField. We will examine this class hierarchy and demonstrate commonly performed operations with sample code snippets.

Advanced Usage –III

The discrete form of a transport equation for a scalar results in a matrix. OpenFOAM represents this structure with the class hierarchy of lduMatrix and the fvMatrix. The base class lduMatrix stores the matrix coefficients as three arrays (lower triangle , diagonal, upper triangle) and the class fvMatrix has finite volume method specific additional functionality . We will examine the structure of both classes and demonstrate usage of their interface with code snippets.

Advanced Usage –IV

Simulation of flow with moving boundaries and in deformable geometries is an exciting feature of OpenFOAM . Instructions on how to setup whole body motion, boundary motion and topological changes etc., will be provided.

Advanced Usage – V

OpenFOAM provides a fairly large number of solvers for Multiphase flow simulation. Structure of solvers using volume of fluid method and two-fluid method will be explained. Instructions on how to setup cases for the solver in this category will be provided with examples .

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